
I have been photographing the natural beauty of the region I live in for decades. Please enjoy some of the images and scenes that I have had the fortune to witness first hand.

Busy Beaver Keepin’ Low.

Busy Beaver Keepin’ Low.

What a phenominal night camping!

What a phenominal night camping!

It was cold standing out there in my underwear…and the bugs were still biting!

It was cold standing out there in my underwear…and the bugs were still biting!

Had to get out of bed in my underwear for this…didn’t want to miss it!

Had to get out of bed in my underwear for this…didn’t want to miss it!

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Russian Mt. Sunrise Sept. 2016

Internet Sales

Due to the logistical difficulties of getting materials in and out of “bush” Alaska in a timely fashion (2-day delivery can sometimes take almost two weeks!*), and that shipping costs can be insanely expensive (one company in the lower-48 wanted $99 to ship two snow mobile covers!), I’m not able to take orders over the Internet.

However, if there is something that you just have to have please contact me and we’ll see what we can work out.