Some Of My Many Failed Attempts To Find Help To Get A Huge Environmental Message Out Either Through A Book Or Now A Movie…Which, Is A Major Theme Of The Proposed Film
I’ve included here many of the letters I’ve written, or videos I’ve made, with the hope of enticing someone talented to help me get this big-picture, paradigm-shifting message out to the masses. Well over a decade ago I started by trying to write a book that went nowhere – I’ve never had a penchant for prose. Truth be told, I hate to write more than anything; the only reason I’m putting myself through this agony is for the fishes I care so much about, the environment, and for future generations that are going to be pissed over the lame legacy that we’ve left them (if they’re still around).
That last sentence is key – I’m not in this for fame or fotrune; I’m just compelled, maybe in a perverse way, to make a difference. That’s why some day on this web site, you’ll read about the significance of AFFF – or All For The F****** Fishes!
I gave up on the book idea years ago; you’ll read why when I post my correspondences with Joe McGinniss and Rowan Jacobsen.
I’ve learned over the years that none of us are as smart as all of us. It’s going to take a team effort – maybe even a herculean effort – to get the message across that mankind must hear – but in a compelling and entertaining way; and one that’s not lacking in humor for Oscar Wilde said, “If you’re going to tell people the truth, make them laugh…otherwise they’ll kill you!“.
Here are my thoughts on what’s needed to get such a message out. First and foremost, it has to be truthful and realistic. As good a movie as Avatar was, which had a huge environmental message, people cannot fully relate to blue fictitious characters (I actually know some people that didn’t realize that it was all about protecting mother nature). Secondly, it has to reach across the isle, it can’t just preach to the choir. It’s got to be convincing enough to get many of the environmental naysayers to start paying more attention to the mounting environmental concerns – notably the loss of biological diversity and climate change; granted, no easy task!
The take-home message is that we, i.e., Homo sapiens which means “the wise ones”, must wise up and somehow get in charge of ourselves psychologically (i.e., individually & collectively) and start living up to our name in order start living more sustainable and fruitful lives.
Keep in mind that half of the proposed movie’s plot includes this seemingly futile search to find such help; that’s, in part, why the protagonist’s nickname is “The Don Quixote of Fish Biologists”. And it’s in many of those rejections where a mixture of empathy and humor can be intertwined to get a compelling environmental message out…the likes of which has never been told before.
In the coming weeks, months, and years, I’ll be posting letters to a portion of the people I wrote to, including some comical anecdotes, why I chose to write to them because there are specific reasons for each one, and some of the responses I might have been lucky enough to have received. You’ll note that it’s a wide array of people, from comedians to serious environmental writers…and everything in between. This may sound crazy, but the reason for that is the movie I envision will somehow incorporate all those things, because life (including environmental concerns) is a mishmash of bizarre occurrences as a consequences of the damndest species that ever inhabited this beautiful planet of ours. Some of my many attempts include: Tom Shadyac (director of Patch Adams, Ace Ventura:Pet Detective, The Nutty Professor, Bruce Almighty, & I Am), Fisher Stevens (director of The Cove & Before The Flood, Greg Mottola (director of Adventureland and Paul), Dr. Bruce Lipton (The Biology of Belief), Dr. Wayne Dyer (Wisdom of the Ages, Your Erroneous Zones, etc.), Sara Gruen (Water for Elephants), Carl Hiaasen (Double Whammy, Bad Monkey, Skinny Dip, Striptease), Richard Louv (Last Child In The Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature Deficit Disorder & Fly-Fishing for Sharks), John McPhee (Rising from the Plains, The Founding Fish, Coming into the Country), Joe McGinniss (Going to Extremes, The Selling of a President, The Rogue), David James Duncan (My Story As Told By Water, The River Why), two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Jon Franklin who wrote Writing for Story: Craft Secrets of Dramatic Nonfiction, Stephen Dubner (Freakonomics & Super Freakonomics), and Tom Skerritt (actor in A River Runs Through It, M*A*S*H*, Top Gun, Picket Fences, and active in the environmentally-minded organization American Rivers)…just to name a few.

A Letter To Psychologist Paul Slovic In An Attempt To Connect With Michael Lewis Author Of The Undoing Project & Many Other Influential Books

The Closest I’ve Come To Finding Help – A Request For A Treatment In 2016 Before I Knew What A Treatment Was! Chris Palmer Author Of Confessions Of A Wildlife Filmmaker

An Indirect Attempt To Connect With Lise Van Susteren – This Letter To Sally Weintrobe, Author of The Psychological Roots Of The Climate Crisis

One Of Several Attempts To Connect With Dr. Lise Van Susteren – A Psychiatrist Concerned With Climate Change & Its Implications With Solastalgia

The First Attempt To Connect With Adam McKay By Writing To His Co-Writer Of Don’t Look Up – David Sirota

One Of Two Attempts To Connect With Adam McKay Who Directed Don’t Look Up & Other Blockbusters

A Failed Attempt With A Book Effort Way Back In 2008 – Author Of The Trillion Dollar Meltdown

Save The Cat – Save Mankind…Even Ignored By The Hollywood Climate Summit Folks!

Michael Altman – The Son Of Iconoclastic Hollywood Director Robert Altman

2nd Failed Attempt With Glenn Close – Actress & Advocate For The Environment And Ending The Stigma Of Mental Illness

My First Attempt At Glenn Close in 2012 – Narrator of the Environmental Movie Home

Michael Soule – The Grandfather of Conservation Biology

Mr. Charles Morris – Author Of The Trillion Dollar Meltdown

Garrison Keillor (Prairie Home Companion Fame) – An Inquiry Never Sent

Dr. Ned Hallowell – A Psychiatrist Specializing In ADD