It’s hope and inspiration that keeps most of you humans going, and I can understand that. There are times that I lose hope when I see, or hear, about your incessant barrages of habitat altering activities – both aquatic and terrestrial. Some of my ilk have even got downright depressed over the situation; but are fortunate to have your pharmaceuticals to rely on to get them through those tough times (reminds me of the Rolling Stones song Mother’s Little Helper). Here’s a great example:
But here are some encouraging stories from National Geographic that should give you a little pre-inauguration lift. We haven’t heard much on the environmental front yet from the media regarding the new administration…that will probably come once that administration is in place and the cabinet members (and Congress) roll up their sleeves, flex their muscles, and try to undue every evnironmental regulation on the books.
And then I’ll have plenty to write about…I’m sure of that. Many of these past political posts, although not appearing to have any nexus with environmental issues, were just laying the foundation for what’s to come regarding the impending onslaught of environmental attacks.
Do enjoy the next couple of weeks!