I by no means am a fan of Sean Hannity (in fact he is one of my least favorite people – he made a mockery of efforts to protect the delta smelt that are on the verge of extinction in San Francisco Bay), but came across this where Hillary denies receiving or sending classified E-mails on her private server http://www.hannity.com/articles/hanpr-election-493995/watch-22-times-hillary-said-she-14893833/.
What immediately comes to mind is someone who Hillary knows very well who said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. If I were able to vote, I’d have been a life-long Democrat, but is that a pair to draw to or what?
And I am not a fan of Donald Trump for a myriad of reasons, first and foremost is that his environmental record is atrocious – but this upcoming election has got to be the poster child example of the conundrum of voting for the lesser of two evils.
Why do most politicians, or those that aspire to be one, have zero integrity?
How did you humans get yourselves in this predicament?
#Hillary #BillClinton #Trump #Hannity #Liars #Election